

作者:斯威夫特| 5分钟阅读| 2023年9月11日


  • Cooperative demonstrates secure and scalable way to connect multiple blockchains for movement of tokenised assets around the world
  • Swift can provide single point of entry for financial institutions moving tokenised assets while leveraging existing 安全基础设施
  • 实验是斯威夫特保持强壮的持续工作的一部分, 跨分散的金融生态系统的安全互操作性

Swift released results from a new series of experiments that show its infrastructure can seamlessly facilitate the transfer of tokenised value across multiple public and private blockchains. The findings have potential to remove significant friction slowing the growth of tokenised asset markets and enable them to scale globally as they mature.


虽然标记化还处于起步阶段, 97%的机构投资者认为,它将彻底改变资产管理,成为行业的积极力量, 尤其是因为它有提高效率的潜力, 降低成本和, 通过实行部分所有权, 向更多投资者开放机会.

一个挑战投资者和机构的问题, 然而, 代币化资产是否在不同的区块链上进行管理, 每个都有自己的功能和流动性配置文件. 这些区块链之间的互操作性至关重要, 否则,金融机构必须与每个平台建立连接, 造成重大的运营挑战和成本.

与十多家主要金融机构和市场基础设施以及链链合作, 领先的Web3服务平台, Swift已经成功地证明了它可以使用现有的多个网络提供单点访问, 安全基础设施, thereby significantly reducing operational challenges and investment required for institutions to support the development of tokenised assets.


这些试验是Swift确保安全的更广泛战略的一部分, 随着新技术和平台的出现,全球互操作性. They build on work over the past few years to show how Swift infrastructure could support the financial community in interconnecting Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and other digital assets with new and existing payments systems.

汤姆Zschach, Swift的首席创新官, 说: “Interoperability is at the heart of everything we are doing at Swift to facilitate the seamless flow of value across the world in the face of increasing fragmentation. 令牌化发挥其潜力, 机构将需要能够与整个金融生态系统无缝连接. Our experiments have demonstrated clearly that existing secure and trusted Swift infrastructure can provide that central point of connectivity, 消除token化发展的巨大障碍并释放其潜力.”


Swift与几家主要金融机构合作进行了实验, 包括澳洲及新西兰银行集团有限公司, 法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas), 纽约梅隆银行, 花旗, 清泉案, 欧洲清算系统, 劳埃德银行集团, 六数字交换(SDX)和 存托信托 & 清算公司. Chainlink was used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) enabled complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains.

除了证明现有的Swift基础设施可以提供安全的, 金融机构连接多种类型区块链的可扩展方式, they advanced understanding around the technical and business requirements for interacting with business and public blockchains. The experiments also explored the value of a blockchain interoperability protocol for securely transferring data between existing systems and a potentially unlimited number of blockchains.

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The experiments looked at the design and technical development of a solution and considerations around data privacy and governance, 操作风险, 以及法律责任. Transfers of simulated tokenised assets took place – between two wallets on the same public Distributed Ledger Technology network; between two wallets on different public blockchains; and between a public and private blockchain network.

Swift will continue to work with the financial community to understand the most concrete use cases for tokenised asset adoption and will prioritise its efforts accordingly. 据预计,最令人信服的案例, 在短期内, 会在非上市资产二级市场和私募市场进行交易吗.


Jennifer Peve,董事总经理,全球战略主管 & 存的创新, 说:

“作为金融市场基础设施提供商, 存 is committed to co-ideating and developing solutions to connect the broadest set of market participants and ensure that innovative solutions don’t form in silos and deliver maximum value. We are pleased to engage with Swift on this important experiment that has taken meaningful steps in understanding what cross-network interoperability could mean in the future.”

Nigel Dobson, ANZ银行服务组合主管, 他说:“澳新银行正在积极探索通过‘测试和学习’的方式使用去中心化网络和标记化, 特别是在服务不足的市场,如以自然为基础的资产交易. Establishing interoperability between existing financial market infrastructure and multiple blockchains will be critical for greater adoption so we were naturally delighted to participate in this experiment with the Swift community.

法国巴黎银行证券服务客户交付主管Alain Pochet 他说:“随着区块链数量的增加, the task of connecting our traditional technical platforms and ensuring interoperability between blockchains presents a growing challenge that we must overcome. 在这方面, 该实验展示了利用Swift已经建立的广泛连接的潜力.”

Thilo Derenbach,业务发展主管 & 清泉案数码证券服务的商业化 他表示:“作为金融市场基础设施的提供者, 清泉案在支持金融业向数字时代过渡方面发挥着关键作用. 推动数字化, 由最新技术和资产标记化支持, 是我们清泉案的一个重要主题. Joint partnerships and experiments like this help progress the industry innovation agenda while at the same time offering solutions for the interoperability of existing and future ecosystems.”

欧洲清算银行数字资产卓越中心负责人Stephanie Lheureux 说: “We are delighted to have participated in this important project collaborating with other Financial Market Infrastructures (FMI) and institutions with the aim to tangibly unlock DLT value through interoperability experiments. 作为FMI, our approach to innovation has been to develop solutions in cooperation with our ecosystem with the objective to continuously drive efficiencies to reduce cost and risk.”

SIX Digital Exchange (SDX)数字证券主管Alexandre Kech 说: “This interoperability exercise is critical to the understanding on how banks and FMIs can realise the promise of blockchain for institutional business, 这是, 多党制的建设, 受监管的全球数字资产不可知交易, 为发行人和投资者提供24/7的结算和资产服务基础设施.”

Chainlink联合创始人Sergey Nazarov 说: “It’s now clear that both top global banks and leading market infrastructures believe there will be greater adoption of digital assets across the entire banking industry, 这种采用将同时使用多种不同的区块链技术. Swift之间的合作, 超过十家最大的金融机构, and Chainlink also proved that interoperability across chains is critical to enabling the next stage of digital asset adoption across the global financial system. 结合Swift和CCIP时, we were able to show that this new level of interoperability across various blockchains is now possible with minimal resources from even the largest banks and market infrastructures.”

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